
I had this exact same problem that you are having yesterday.  It works 
when you install from the tarballs the first time, but after rebooting, 
it doesn't work anymore.

Just make sure that NVdriver is in the 
/lib/modules/2.4.18-bf2.4/kernel/drivers/video directory, and make sure 
that NVdrier is there, and make sure that NVdriver is listed in your 
/etc/modules file.

Now as long as you did the

tar zxvf NVIDIA_kernel....
cd NVIDIA_kernel...
make install
cd ..
tar zxvf NVIDIA_GLX...
make install
cd ..
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

On the dpkg-reconfigure step, make sure to de-select the dri and GLcore 
drivers, and make sure glx is selected.  Also, when asked if you want 
the dri section created for you, select "NO"!   Also, just make sure you 
say "NO" when asked about a framebuffer.  And don't forget to select 
"nvidia" as your driver, instead of "nv".

Then check /lib/modules/2.4.18-bf2.4/kernel/drivers/video directory, and 
make sure that NVdriver is listed in your /etc/modules file.

Having NVdriver in your /etc/modules file is basically just tells debian 
to run "insmod NVdriver" on boot.  So if you want, just try typing 
insmod NVdriver right now, and see if that fixes things.

Let me know if that doesn't work.

David Grant
M.A.Sc. Candidate
a-Si and Integrated Circuits Group  
University of Waterloo              (o_
Ontario, Canada                     //\
519-880-0665                        V_/_

Re: X with NVidia: "(EE) No devices detected"
Wed, 9 Oct 2002 07:45:19 -0700

debian user list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Issac Trotts, 2002-Oct-08 17:16 -0700:

>>> >Re-installing is a bit drastic.  It seems to me that the modules
>>> >aren't loading.  The installation process puts them, I think, in
>>> >/lib/modules/<kernel>/misc so check there and do the insmod on those
>>> >specific names.  You'll also need to add those modules to the list in
>>> >/etc/modules so they are loaded at boot.
>>> >
>>> >jc
>>> >
>> Here's what my session looks like:
>>    $ cd /lib
>>    $ find . -name \* | grep -i nv
>>    ./security/
>>    ./modules/2.2.18/misc/nvram.o
>>    ./modules/2.2.18/video/NVdriver
>>    $ find /lib -name \* | grep -i gl
>> insmod nvram didn't help so I rmmod'ed it.
>> Issac


Please reply to the list only, thanks.

I think there's also a glx driver that needs to be loaded.  Is the
NVdriver the only driver in that directory?


Jeff Coppock            Systems Engineer
Diggin' Debian          Admin and User

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