
I have a nice eMail server here, which servers mail to
about ten users using cyrus-imapd. Amavis is scanning
all incoming and outgoing mail for over about a year

I've been quite happy with this until yesterday, when
one user encountered quite an old mail containing the
famous love letter. The beast didn't really spread,
but I'm a little bit concerned about other potentially
dangerous viruses within my system. 

I tried different scanners on imap boxes containing
the love letter, but no one of these was able to find
the (base64-)encoded virus in the mail. 

And that's where I'm standing right now: I have a few
gigabytes of emails and no clue whether there are any
virii in them. And neither do I have a clue how to
solve this problem.

Any ideas?

Ha det godt, 

Se den nye Yahoo! Mail på http://no.yahoo.com/
Nytt design, enklere å bruke, alltid tilgang til Adressebok, Kalender og Notisbok

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