El Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 01:04:11PM +0200, Claudio Bley escribió: 
> On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 12:28, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 05:18:53PM +1000, Nick Hastings wrote:
> > > > I have tried including "exec /usr/bin/wmaker" in ~/.xinitrc , 
> >   hmmm not sure if the .xinitrc is called by default from the
> >   .xsession.... try to call the .xinitrc from your .xsession...
> See 'man startx'. It basically says that .xinitrc is only used by xinit
> (which is called by startx but not from xdm, gdm etc.).
> "Note that  in  the Debian system, what many people traditionally
>  put in the .xinitrc file should go  in  .xsession  instead"

        I used to use startx and not xdm, so .xinitrc used to work. Now I was using 
Anyway, update-alternatives does what I wanted and now I know that I should touch 
.xsession if I am not at Debian. Thanks

> > > This will let you set the default wm for your machine. Or just for you, 
> > > try putting "exec wmaker" in ~/.xsession or ~/.Xclients
> > uhm what's the 'exec' for?? wmaker is surely allready executable, isn't
> > it? what's the puropose of adding an exec? at least mine works without
> > that....
> exec is a Shell builtin command. 'man sh' says:
> exec [-cl] [-a name] [command [arguments]]
>         If  command  is  specified, it replaces the shell.  No new
>         process is created.
> So, .xinitrc resp. .xsession is executed by sh and hence you have a shell 
> process running which is unused but uses some of your memory. If you run
> "exec x-window-manager" in these files the shell gets replaced by the
> window manager process which is going to be a bit more efficient
> (resource-wise).
> -- 
> Claudio Bley                                 ASCII ribbon campaign (")
> Debian GNU/Linux advocate                     - against HTML email  X 
> http://www.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~bley/                     & vCards / \
> -- 
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Felipe Martínez Hermo
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UGT Galicia

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