On Fri, Oct 04, 2002 at 10:41:07AM -0700, Cam Ellison wrote:
> I just installed this board, and downloaded the driver and the GLX
> package from the nvidia website.  They match -- I used the rpm
> packages, and converted them with alien.  I have also downloaded the
> tar'd packages and tried those, not to mention a couple of
> re-compilings of my 2.4.18 kernel.  The board uses the nVidia 220D
> GeForce chipset for the north bridge & AGP, and the nForce chipset for
> the south bridge.  Naturally, there is no reference to either in the
> kernel.

It's not really a solution, but are you aware of the nvidia-kernel-src
and nvidia-glx-src packages in Debian?  They handle building the kernel
modules etc for you and also keep dpkg in control of your system...

> Attempts to start X fail:
> (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVdriver kernel module!
> Modprobe gets a list of "unresolved symbols" messages, including the
> NVdriver module (I'll save the others for another message).

It's possible that this is because you have the wrong version NVidia
modules for your kernel.  The drivers are binary-only Proprietary
Crap(TM), and have to be recompiled for each kernel you use.  That said,
I am using them quite successfully, and re-compiling their drivers for a
new kernel isn't any sort of hassle when using the nvidia-<blah>-src


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