Hello Fred,

Am Samstag, 5. Oktober 2002 00:48 schrieb Fred Little:
> In late July I used several floppies ( rescue, root, drivers) to
> get started
> with Debian and downloaded the rest on-line. I've learned quite a
> bit in the two months since then but have a long way to go yet,
> not having a background in unix/linux before this.

Welcome to debian. IMHO it's the only _true_ distributian. :-)

> I see the terms "potato" , "woody", etc. used on this list and it
> makes me wonder. Did I download one of these ? What release did I
> download. How do I find out? The kernel, I believe, is 2.2.20.
In Debain, there are three branches. 
Stable --> now it's called woody
Testing --> now it's called sarge
Unstable --> This is always called sid.
The versions of debian are splitted(I hope, this is the right term) 
from the kernel-version's. Using a distro means, that you are using 
a determined set of software. Kernel-Numbers means only the version 
of the used kernel (?? I'm not sure, that's the right term). 

> Need to experiment with various desktops. Is there a way to
> install several
> and quickly switch from one to another?
I'm using gdm as grphical login. This allows me to switch between 
kde and gnome.
You can install it with "apt-get install gdm"


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