hi shawn!

sorry, i should have been clearer:
superrescue is a rescue-cd, i.e. like a boot/rescue-floppy, but
with 700 megs on it, lots of tools and some luxury: x11/gnome.
it's a boot-cd, which is independent of any hd.
that means upgrading rp-pppoe on the cd is probably not that easy.

PPP generic driver version 2.4.1
PPP Deflate Compression module registered
(quite normal, but no tulip drivers, no nic/eth info)

(all used by autoclean!?)

though lan-connections work, adsl-dialup is not working:
command #ifconfig<enter> should show ppp0 like eth0, if up
and should do this always, or...? - i think so.

if ppp0 was up, i could still connect+telnet to static ip-adresses on 
the web, like the pop/smtp-server of my isp. that's not possible.

at the the moment i'm sitting in front of two computer, a stable 
linux-server/station and the one i loaded the superrescue-boot-cd on.
the mail and the (dynamic)IP-adresses in the mail-headers you are 
reading, are from the stable computer.

if you have another idea:  great!


Shawn Lamson wrote:
> Sorry I don't know what superrescue is... Maybe you should just
> download the newest rp-pppoe - I have rp-pppoe-3.5 from
> roaringpenguin.com.  It will make a pppoe.conf for you.  What is the
> output of #dmesg?
> Here is mine (the relevant parts), but be aware I have the support
> compiled into the kernel, not as loadable modules...  You can also run
> lsmod and see if you have the ppp drivers loaded, to me it looks like
> you are up and running ok, though, I can ping you (I think that is you
> at, try to confirm your DNS setting.
> #dmesg  ---relevant portions---
> Linux Tulip driver version 0.9.15-pre9 (Nov 6, 2001)
> PCI: Found IRQ 9 for device 00:09.0
> tulip0:  MII transceiver #1 config 3000 status 7829 advertising 01e1.
> eth0: Lite-On 82c168 PNIC rev 32 at 0xd8800000, 00:A0:CC:DA:AF:86, IRQ
> 9.
> PCI: Found IRQ 9 for device 00:0a.0
> tulip1:  MII transceiver #1 config 3000 status 7809 advertising 01e1.
> eth1: Lite-On 82c168 PNIC rev 32 at 0xd8802000, 00:A0:CC:D3:D5:C9, IRQ
> 9.
> PPP generic driver version 2.4.1
> PPP Deflate Compression module registered
> P.S. - you can try pinging me at
> Shawn
> --- el <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>thanks a lot for the reply!
>>i came to the point, that i need something like superrescue-cd.
>>there is no default adsl dialup on it, as i know already.
>>what i know for sure, is that RoaringPenguin-pppoe is implemented on 
>>that cd and rp-pppoe/adsl is a user space driver. So adsl-dialup must
>>available on superrescue.
>>cannot read configuration file /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf
>>it's not there and no link to /etc/sysconf/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0
>>either. i have a problem with that, because this should be the
>>config file for the rp-adsl-scripts. superrescue is built on rh7.2,
>>looks exactly the same on rh7.3(as well no link) but there it works!
>>anyway, then i forget the scripts and try by hand:
>>ifconfig eth0 up
>>(i have validated sucessfull networking before)
>>ifconfig ppp0 up
>>ppp0: unknown interface: no such device
>>pppoe -A eth0  => works as it should be!
>>pppd pty 'pppoe -I eth0' => no error-reply
>>ifconf  => shows still only eth0
>>ifconf ppp0 up => still no ppp0
>>that's were i'm stuck right now.
>>after i read the man pages.
>>next would be getting any and all doc's about pppoe/adsl and reading
>>scripts, but i'm not confident on that.
>>i would be really glad if you have any hint for me...
>>p.s. should have been sending this msg some hours before, to be as
>>      instant as you, but i tried and read and tried and ... you
>>Shawn Lamson wrote:
>>>you can start with #/sbin/ifconfig ppp0 up
>>>But you will probably need to read the ifconfig man pages for more
>>>#man ifconfig
>>>Let me know if that is what you wanted... if you are trying to use
>>>aDSL modem you may need a package like Roaring Penguin
>>>Protocol over Ethernet.  Look at RoaringPenguin.com
>>>--- el <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>how do i create device ppp0
>>>>(not on the rescue-cd-ramdisk per default)
>>>>with commandline commands?
>>>>thanks for your help!
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