Thanks, Mike.  Yes, it does help.  It's very strange -- cat /proc/pci
shows the SMBus, USB, both NICs, and one sound channel on IRQ 5.  Go

I have tracked down the nForce driver(s), and will have a go at that.
It really looks as though Linux compatibility was an afterthought.
Maybe they have a high opinion of Linux users?  ;-)

* Mike Dresser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, Cam Ellison wrote:
> > I have installed a new MB & CPU  (ASUS A7N266-VM & Athlon XP1600), and
> > among the problems is that both my NICs are assigned irq 5  (they used
> > to be at 10 and 12 on the old board).  Consequently I have no network.
> >
> > The /etc/interfaces man page makes no mention of irq assignments,
> > though ifconfig certainly allows for that.  I cannot dynamically
> > re-assign the irq (tried that: SIOCSIFMAP: operation not supported).
> >
> > Is there a way I can force irq assignment on bootup?
> Change the IRQ settings in the bios.
I have avoided this -- I think it's time to shut down and do that.
> Move a card to a different slot.
Not sure whether that will work, given what else I've seen.  There's
only one other slot.
> Most modern motherboards tend to have everything shared with everything
> built in.
> Looking at the motherboard, you're going to have trouble with "move a card
> to a different slot" due to the MicroATX
> Trying to download the manual gets me nowhere, as the download link is
> broken.  A minute later manually ftp'ing the file, and I'm looking now.
> This is odd.  It shouldnt' be sharing the irq's by default.  Each PCI slot
> gets its own IRQ according to the manual(and ASUS manuals are usually
> pretty good).  Do you have the model with the onboard LAN?  If so, move
> your other network card to a different slot.
I do have the onboard LAN, but it's not functional -- that may change
when I get the nForce drivers running.
Thanks again

Cam Ellison Ph.D. R.Psych.
From Roberts Creek on B.C.'s incomparable Sunshine Coast

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