On Fri, Oct 04, 2002 at 11:21:36AM -0700, Tony Wasson wrote:
> > So I want to install SquirrelMail on the PowerPC, which has 1.5GiB RAM
> > and isn't very stressed out about much of anything. I've installed
> > SquirrelMail and pointed it at the UW-IMAP and Postfix servers on the
> > Netwinder, but when I try to log in, I start getting the SquirrelMail
> > "You must be logged in to view this page" error. Thinking that I might
> > be seeing the problems that some people have seen between SquirrelMail
> > 1.2.6 and recent versions of PHP, I upgraded SquirrelMail to 1.2.7,
> > the version in testing. Same error. Then I fired up Ethereal, and saw
> > that SquirrelMail was succesfully logging into the IMAP server and
> > then closing the connection before returning the error message. So
> > that's not it. And cookies are going back and forth, so that's not the
> > problem either. What's going on here?
> Forrest,
> I ran into a slight dependency problem when I installed SquirrelMail  --
> install php4-cgi and you'll be set.

I tried this, but alas, it didn't work for me. Same error as
before. Do I have to alter my configuration somehow after installing
php4-cgi (and php4-pear)?

But thanks! Anyone else have any ideas?

> Well, except for the new Cross Site Scripting exploits found....
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=squirrelmail

I can live with this, as only one user (me) is going to be using
SquirrelMail on this network for now. I'll keep this in mind for the
other network I administer, though.


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