hi everyone, 
I meant to post this to the list some time ago -- by accident I posted
it directly to don.  Hope this helps anyone having similar problems.



thanks so much for your help.  This is a very satisfactory intermediate
solution (ultimately I'd like to be able to use my favorite font,
palatino -- but that can assuredly wait!).  Since I've seen a bunch of
similar questions on this list, and since the process wwas ultimately
slightly more complicated than anyone's indicated, I thought I'd just
post a step-by-step description of what I did (for other newbies).

1.  In order to get msttcorefonts to run properly, I had to *first*
    download the font files themselves.  I got them from sourceforge:
and downloaded them to a directory path_to_dir_/fonts
the fonts are the .exe files

2. install msttcorefonts:
sudo apt-get install -t unstable msttcorefonts
(I think you need to have an unstable directory listed in
/etc/apt/source.list, like the following:
deb http://mirror.direct.ca/linux/debian unstable main non-free contrib )

when it asks you where the .exe files are, give it the name of the
directory into which you adownloaded them (e.g., path_to_file/fonts).

3.  Install the fonts in OpenOffice:
in OOo 1.0.1, at least, I couldn't find the printer admin tool from
within the normal gui.  But the help file in OO told me this other

find the directory where OpenOffice is installed -- there should be a
file called spadmin.  launch it by cd'ing in, and typing 

sudo ./spadmin

Click on the "fonts" button; it will ask you for the path to the fonts, which
should be:


lick on "select all" fwhen the fonts come up, and everything should
work just great!  

Thanks again for the help!@!!  this is so great...

On Fri, Sep 27, 2002 at 12:05:56PM -0500, Donald R. Spoon wrote:
> Matt,
> You are facing 3 problems:
> 1.  M$ quit offering the "corefonts" on their typography site a few 
> weeks ago, hence the "404" error.  These fonts are still available 
> elsewhere, but the Woody msttcorefonts package still points towards the 
> M$ site for automatic download.  The solution is to grab the 
> msttcorefonts package from eithe "testing" or "unstable" and use that. 
> It has a corrected d/l site.
> 2.  Getting the TrueType fonts recognized by your system.  This is 
> beyond the scope of what I can do in a short message, but scanning this 
> list or going to the HOWTO at the Linux Documentation Project will get 
> you started.  You don't absolutely HAVE to do this to get to your 
> end-point, but it will make these fonts available to the rest of your 
> apps as well as OO.  There is also some good info in your KDE install 
> about "anti-aliasing HOWTO" in /usr/doc/, but this seems a bit dated on 
> my install....
> 3.  Getting OO to recognize these new fonts.  The solution here is to do 
> #1, then fire up OO as root and select the pPrinter Administration 
> function.  Along the bottom you will see a button labled "Fonts".  This 
> will bring up a screen where you can add system fonts.  You will have to 
> "browse" the system to find where they are stored, but /usr/share/fonts/ 
> is a good place to start.  My experience had been that you will only be 
> able to install type1 and truetype fonts.  You might also want to look 
> in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts. Experiment...
> Cheers,
> -Don Spoon-
> -- 
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