On Wed, 02 Oct 2002 14:14:37 -0600
Mike Fontenot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The versions of ghostscript in potato and in woody
> don't do an adequate job of converting postscript
> to pdf (for a postscript file that I produced using
> groff, with some eqn equations).  I've been advised
> by Derek Noonburg that I need a newer version of
> ghostscript: version 7.04 (potato has 5.10, and
> woody has 6.50).
> How do I determine if there is a debian package for
> ghostscript 7.04 anywhere, and if so, how can I install
> it on my potato system?  (I've already installed the
> woody version of ghostscript on my potato system).

The one in unstable is 7.05. I compiled it on my sarge system from the
unstable source. BTW do you really mean woody? Potato is history
;-) Woody is now the stable distribution.

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