On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 07:56:49PM -0700, Josh Rehman spake thus:
> I'm looking for a better XTerm. I'm using Konsole right now (the one
> that KDE uses by default). 
> The thing that I really want is the ability to horizontally scroll. The
> commands "top" and "ps -aux" often create very wide output, and I'd like
> to see it all. (I've been making the font very small as a workaround).
> And if it's not asking too much, the ability to rename each session.

Emacs (apt-get emacs21) can do horizontal scrolling in a shell window,
and can be toggled on and off by setting the variable
`automatic-hscrolling' to t|nil.

If you're not an emacs user, it's probably overkill to go this route
unless you /really/ want horizontal scrolling immediately. On the other
hand, if you already use emacs, then `C-x 5 2 RET' will open up a new
frame, and in that frame you can do `M-x s h e l l RET' to get a shell
prompt. You're fingers don't even have to leave the keyboard to scroll
the viewable area, just use `C-x <' and `C-x >' to shift the viewed area
left or right. 

I believe that the horizontal scrolling is turned on by default.

Just another approach...


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