On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 02:55:26AM -0400, Andy Saxena wrote:
> I parsed through the website. It seems one has to register to get an
> account. Then one has to follow up on the spam by choosing the
> recepients for the spam report.

It takes about five minutes to get an account, which you only have to
do once.

> It seems to be quite time-consuming if one receives 30-40 spam messages
> a day,

I've been there, it's faster than it looks.  It has some reasonable
default recipients once it's parsed the spam, basically it's a process
of making sure who is getting it looks reasonable before hitting Send

I'm down to the point where I rarely get spam addressed to me, it's
usually sent to debian-user, and on a bad day I get 5.

Now I've moved on to reporting Usenet spam I come across.


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