* Mike Tone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [25-09-2002 08:01]:
> can anyone please help? 

Mmmkay, my brain works in a First in, First out kinda way. So I
already responded to your previous message. Perhaps it's a good idea
not to  start a new thread, when you are asking basically the same

Anyway, I think you want to use a smarthost. Exim delivers local
messages and sends all  non-local messages to the smtp-server at
your isp which then takes on the responsibility to get the message
to its destination.

This is the relevant part of my exim.conf:


# Send all mail to a smarthost

driver = domainlist
transport = remote_smtp
route_list = "* smtp.cablewanadoo.nl bydns_a"


Unless, you did massive tweaking to exim.conf, run eximconfig, pick
the right option, answer questions. This will make sure that nothing
from your previous attempts screws up the new setup.

After that make sure, something like the above sits in exim.conf. 


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