* Mike Tone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [25-09-2002 06:03]:
> exim:! 
> after installation i chose option 4, local 
> delivery. 

Is that the option for local delivery only? 

> i need the ability to send email from local, to 
> anyone external.. 

I never changed exim while there was mail in the queue. I don't
expect (but I'm not sure),  you run the risk of losing the
messages that are in the queue.

Anyway, you need to configure a "smart-host". If you didn't see
questions about this, you didn't pick the right option. 

You can manually edit /etc/exim.conf which has nice comments or you
can run eximconfig to rerun the setup-script for exim.

If things don't work after this, you should post (relevant parts of)
exim.conf for people to be able to give advise.

Although I am looking at changing my setup, I got things working by
also editing /etc/email-addresses. After exim is configured, add
your email-addresses there so that localuser@localhost becomes
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I am not sure this is the most elegant way
of doing things, but it will at least get those queued messages


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