On  0, Holger Rauch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Tom!
> Thanks for your quick reply!
> On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Tom Cook wrote:
> > [...]
> > All I can say is... it works for me.  How many files in the directory
> > where you're having this fail?  It works for me in /usr/lib.
> > 
> > # ls /usr/lib -lt1 | wc -l
> >   841
> I suspect the problem is not $NUM_OF_FILES since that is set to only
> 50. To me, the problem seems to be the sheer number of files returned by
> ls:
> ls -lt1 $BACKUP_DIR/*.arc | wc -l
>    2708
> That number will grow considerably since these .arc files are Oracle
> archive files and 4-5 of these files are created *per minute*.

I see.

> > [...] 
> > otherwise you will get a lot of files with names like '-rw-r-----'
> > that rm can't delete for some mysterious reason.  Maybe that was your
> > problem?
> No, I don't get the permission settings since I used "ls -lt1" which is
> different from "ls -lt". When it comes to "ls -lt", I absolutely agree
> with you. Even though the ls's man page is not very specific on "-1", it
> seems to strip the other info returned by "-l" away, which is what I want.
> The awk you added of course also works, if I only used "ls -lt".

I can safely say that I knew nothing about the -1 option to ls when I
sent that message, except that I have observed this result:

tkcook@brain:~/mbox$ ls -lt1
total 40
drwx--S---    2 tkcook   tkcook      32768 Sep 20 17:04 cur
drwx--S---    2 tkcook   tkcook       4096 Sep 20 17:04 tmp
drwx--S---    2 tkcook   tkcook       4096 Sep 20 17:03 new

Clearly it is NOT stripping off the attributes.  The man page just
says "one file per line", not anything about attributes.  Do you get a
different result on your system?  What sort of system is it?  I get
this result on a woody box and an (oldish) sid box.

Tom Cook
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide

Classifications of inanimate objects:  Those that don't work, those that break down, 
and those that get lost.

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