On Wed, 2002-09-25 at 09:12, Roar Velten wrote:
> Hello
> when I have write the login and password this shows on the screen:
> Username@:¨$
> what do I write then to start the program?


What you're seeing is the so called 'command prompt' - it means that the
computer has accepted your login/password and is now waiting for your
input. Your should perhaps trying to describe what program you want to
start - how should I know[1]? I guess you probably want a graphical user
interface (windows/mac like), so you'll probably try 'startx' or
'startkde'. This should start the graphical desktop.

I'd suggest you read a good all-round Linux/Unix introduction - you can
probably search in google for 'Linux introduction', or go to a

-- vbi

[1] If I was mean I could suggest you try 'vi' as 'the program' (NOTE:
do NOT do this until you know why I would be mean if I suggested this!
It won't destroy your data, I'm not *that* mean. But you won't like it

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