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* nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2002-09-21 02:28 -0400:
> Jeff Cours said:
> > Hi, everyone -
> > (--) I810(0): Chipset: "i810"
> > (--) I810(0): Linear framebuffer at 0xE0000000
> > (--) I810(0): IO registers at addr 0xE6000000
> > (EE) Unable to open /dev/agpgart (No such device)
> > (**) I810(0): Will alloc AGP framebuffer: 16384 kByte
> >
> > I've verified that /dev/agpgart exists, so I'm guessing something else
> > is going on here. I've put the entire log file, a working XF86Config-4
> > from this machine's Mandrake personality, the XF86Config-4 that dpkg
> > gave me, and a listing of /boot here:
> you need to load the agpgart module that is compadible with your i810
> video since i810 shares memory with the system. on my sister's i810
> system running 2.4.18(suse 8) the module is infact agpgart(I thought
> it may be something else named after the card..)
> > Second question is with power off during a shutdown -h. For some reason,
> > the Mandrake distro automatically powers down the machine, while the
> > Debian one doesn't. I didn't notice any different kernel flags or
> > command line parameters to halt in the various rc.* scripts, so I was
> > wondering if there might be something else I should be checking.
> I believe debian disables apm on the default kernels since not all
> systems are compadible with it(my mom's CTX laptop for example will
> crash hard when APM is turned on). You can possibly override this
> by putting apm=3Don in the append statement for /etc/lilo.conf and
> re-running lilo. if your using grub I'm not certain what the procedure
> would be since I haven't configured grub yet.

Add "apm=3Don" to /etc/lilo.conf and don't forget to run "lilo -v"


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