daniel meier([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
> is there a apache2 package already in debian "sarge"? couldn't find it. if
> yes, whats the name of the package?

Not in sarge.  Its in unstable.  The names's are:

apache2-common - Next generation, scalable, extendable web server
apache2-dev - Development headers for apache2
apache2-doc - Documentation for apache2
apache2-mpm-perchild - Experimental High speed perchild/follower
threaded model for Apache2
apache2-mpm-prefork - Traditional model for Apache2
apache2-mpm-threadpool - Experimental High speed thread pool model for Apache2
apache2-mpm-worker - High speed threaded model for Apache2
libapache2-mod-webapp - Apache 2.0 connector for the Tomcat servlet engine

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