Craig had good post...

On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 09:49:38PM -0400, David Sanders wrote:
> I am installing Debian 3.0 Woody on a new machine with a 80GB hard drive and
> 512MB of RAM.  It will be used as a workstation.  I have read the
> installation manual, but still have questions about partitioning the disk.
> Minimum values are usually given, but no discussion of max or optimal sizes.
> The following are given in
> /   100MB
If you intend to update kernel using Debian kernel-image package, you
need much more than this.  200-400MB
> /usr 500MB
You need at lease 3GB.   If you run out, move /usr/share out to split
it.  Also, /usr/share should be separate partition.
> /home 100MB per user
Give 1GB for it.
> /var 300-500MB
> /tmp 20-50MB
> What would be the appropriate and desirable scheme for an 80GB disk?

Key is do not use all spaces.  Leave some empties for you to figure out.

Also consider multiboot Linixes ;-)  Also chroot mount of many distro
under your Debian.  

I tend to keep less than 500MB per sector for data section.  That make
it easy for bavck up by CD-R.  You can always add partition to your tree
in unix and move data.

Grow with it is what I do.

More hints in my Debian Reference :-)
~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ +++++
        Osamu Aoki @ Cupertino CA USA, GPG-key: A8061F32
 .''`.  Debian Reference: post-installation user's guide for non-developers
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