Lo Roberto :)

If u did not see startx or xf86setup (for example) it is cause they are 
package part...And in dselect you only see package name, not the files 
they contains...
Personally i use dselect and/or dpkg manually and all is good (but i'm 
just a newbie :))) ).
In fact dslect help u to spend less time installing..

See ya

Pierre Dupuis

Armenteros Roberto wrote:
> This is my first time using dselect to install debian.
> I did install X and all the necesary components, but
> it went horrible and it didnt work, so I decided to
> install it by hand. When I went to dselect to unistall
> the software I never saw any of the X components I had
> installed so I could mark them for removal. Why is
> this the case? Also, why dint I find programs like
> startx and X86COnfig once i installed debian though
> dselect? I would appreciate your help.
>   Thanks a lot, Roberto.
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