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* Oki DZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2002-09-05 03:20 -0400:
> Is there any dict's client that works like ispell?
> I mean, an ispell-like program that makes use the dict server.

Problably not exactly what you want - you can set up "ding" as a
frontend to dict, ispell, etc.


Here's my ~/.dingrc as a samle setup:

# Options for Ding: Dictionary Lookup - do not edit!
# General options
set ding_version {1.2}
set gparam(autosave) {1}
set gparam(lang) {en}
set gparam(showBalloons) {1}
set gparam(balloonDelay) {800}
set param(params_as_menu) {0}
set param(show_menu) {1}
set param(umlaut_buttons) {1}
set param(show_result) {1}
set param(show_status) {1}
set param(fcolor) {black}
set param(bcolor) {#d9d9d9}
set param(lfont) {helvetica 12 normal}
set param(bfont) {helvetica 12 bold normal}
set param(sfont) {helvetica 10 normal}
set param(tfont) {helvetica 14 normal}
set param(maxhistory) {50}
set param(width) {682}
set param(height) {338}
set param(search_prop) {0}
set param(win_prop) {0}
set opts(word) {1}
set opts(case) {0}
set opts(errors) {0}
set opts(regex) {0}

# Dictionaries and search methods
set searchmpos { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6}
set searchmeth(0,name) {De <-> En}
set searchmeth(0,type) {0}
set searchmeth(0,dictfile) {/usr/share/trans/de-en}
set searchmeth(0,separator) { :: }
set searchmeth(0,language1) {Deutsch}
set searchmeth(0,language2) {English}
set searchmeth(0,grepcmd) {agrep}
set searchmeth(0,grepopts) {-h}
set searchmeth(0,maxlength) {30}
set searchmeth(0,maxresults) {200}
set searchmeth(0,minlength) {3}
set searchmeth(0,shapedresult) {1}
set searchmeth(1,name) {Lexikon-Server}
set searchmeth(1,type) {3}
set searchmeth(1,dictfile) {}
set searchmeth(1,separator) {}
set searchmeth(1,language1) {English Dictionary}
set searchmeth(1,language2) {}
set searchmeth(1,grepcmd) {dict}
set searchmeth(1,grepopts) {}
set searchmeth(1,maxlength) {30}
set searchmeth(1,maxresults) {1000}
set searchmeth(1,minlength) {3}
set searchmeth(1,shapedresult) {1}
set searchmeth(2,name) {AE spell chk}
set searchmeth(2,type) {1}
set searchmeth(2,dictfile) {}
set searchmeth(2,separator) {}
set searchmeth(2,language1) {English}
set searchmeth(2,language2) {}
set searchmeth(2,grepcmd) {ispell}
set searchmeth(2,grepopts) {-B -S -a -d american}
set searchmeth(2,maxlength) {30}
set searchmeth(2,maxresults) {200}
set searchmeth(2,minlength) {3}
set searchmeth(2,shapedresult) {1}
set searchmeth(3,name) {Neue Rechtschr.}
set searchmeth(3,type) {2}
set searchmeth(3,dictfile) {}
set searchmeth(3,separator) {}
set searchmeth(3,language1) {Deutsch}
set searchmeth(3,language2) {}
set searchmeth(3,grepcmd) {ispell}
set searchmeth(3,grepopts) {-B -S -a -d ngerman}
set searchmeth(3,maxlength) {30}
set searchmeth(3,maxresults) {200}
set searchmeth(3,minlength) {3}
set searchmeth(3,shapedresult) {1}
set searchmeth(4,name) {SE spell chk}
set searchmeth(4,type) {2}
set searchmeth(4,dictfile) {}
set searchmeth(4,separator) {}
set searchmeth(4,language1) {English}
set searchmeth(4,language2) {}
set searchmeth(4,grepcmd) {ispell}
set searchmeth(4,grepopts) {-B -S -a -d swedish}
set searchmeth(4,maxlength) {30}
set searchmeth(4,maxresults) {200}
set searchmeth(4,minlength) {3}
set searchmeth(4,shapedresult) {1}
set searchmeth(5,name) {Alte Rechtschr.}
set searchmeth(5,type) {2}
set searchmeth(5,dictfile) {}
set searchmeth(5,separator) {}
set searchmeth(5,language1) {Deutsch}
set searchmeth(5,language2) {}
set searchmeth(5,grepcmd) {ispell}
set searchmeth(5,grepopts) {-B -S -a -d german}
set searchmeth(5,maxlength) {30}
set searchmeth(5,maxresults) {200}
set searchmeth(5,minlength) {3}
set searchmeth(5,shapedresult) {1}
set searchmeth(6,name) {BE spell chk}
set searchmeth(6,type) {2}
set searchmeth(6,dictfile) {}
set searchmeth(6,separator) {}
set searchmeth(6,language1) {Deutsch}
set searchmeth(6,language2) {}
set searchmeth(6,grepcmd) {ispell}
set searchmeth(6,grepopts) {-B -S -a -d british}
set searchmeth(6,maxlength) {30}
set searchmeth(6,maxresults) {200}
set searchmeth(6,minlength) {3}
set searchmeth(6,shapedresult) {1}

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