Jag provade Ubuntu och kan konstatera följande.
1. Problem vid installation, eftersom jag körde den i VMWare som bara
stödjer 16bit grafik medans Ubuntu defaultar till 24 blev det lite strul
i och med att den inte låter dig sätta ett lösenord för root under
installation. Gissar att den frågan skulle dyka upp efter att den
automtiskt startar upp grafiken. -Fick logga in oms min användare i
consoleläge och starta manuellt med startx -- -detph 16. Sedan när jag
konstaterade att releasen var trevlig brydde jag mig om att manuellt
byta rootlösen.
2. Snyggt komponerat, ganska tight, inte speciellt många ondödiga
applikationer. Samt att den kändes ganska default vilket är positivt. +
att den kändes svensk.
3. Inga stabilitetsproblem.
4. Gillade inte att jag inte kunde välja filsystem. (går säkert om man
hade valtr att läsa valen under installationen)
5. Evolution 2 och Gnome 2. är båda mycket trevliga. Tidigare var jag en
KDEkille men är numera neutral. Dock har jag tidigare valt bort
evolution då den har valt att skräpa ner hemkatalogen med katalogen
evolution, men nu är den .evolution... Tack Ximian, Novell och Suse.
6. Det var inga som helst problem att trycka in övriga standarapps från
vanliga debiansources. (Ubuntu använder sina egna, men verkar vara helt
kompatibla i de fall jag testade)
Det var mina korta kommentarer.
Joakim Nordberg
Christoffer Sawicki wrote:
Jag tänkte att det här kunde vara av intresse för er alla:
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Announcing Ubuntu 4.10 Preview
Date: Wednesday 15 September 2004 19:50
From: "Benj. Mako Hill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Most of you receiving this mail registered for the low-traffic
announcement list at no-name-yet.com. This is our first announcement!
Before we get to the good stuff I'm pleased to announce that we are
nameless no more... the name of our distribution is "Ubuntu" (read
below for details) and the company supporting the project is Canonical
Announcing Ubuntu 4.10 Preview
Ubuntu is a new Linux distribution that brings together the breadth of
Debian with a focused selection of packages, regular releases (every
six months) and a commitment to security updates with 18 months of
security and technical support for every release.
This message is to announce Ubuntu's first public release:
Ubuntu 4.10 Preview (codenamed the Warty Warthog -- or just "warty")
If you know all about this and just want to get the software, you can
find out everything you need to know about getting it here (read on
though, as there's some other good information in this mail including
information on getting Ubuntu CDs shipped to you free of charge):
For more information, you can turn to any of the following resources:
Ubuntu Website: http://www.ubuntulinux.org
The website contains basic background on Ubuntu, an overview of
the project, information on how to get it, and some documentation
on the software.
Ubuntu Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org
The wiki contains most of the information and documentation on
Ubuntu that the team has written thus far as they've worked up
until now. You are welcome to edit and add to the wiki although
you will need to log in first. You log in by clicking on
UserPreferences in the top right hand corner of the page.
Ubuntu IRC Channel: #ubuntu on irc.freenode.net
Anyone is welcome to join the Ubuntu IRC channel for help and
discussion about Ubuntu and the Warty Warthog release. We aim to
keep the signal-to-noise ratio as high as possible on that channel
and on any mailing lists in the project.
Ubuntu Mailing Lists:
Follow any of these URLs to subscribe to the list, view archives,
or to change subscription options if you are already subscribed.
Ubuntu Announcement List (Ultra-Low Traffic):
Ubuntu User List:
Ubuntu Development List:
Last but not least, we will gladly ship you a few CDs of Ubuntu at no
cost when Warty Warthog is released -- we expect that by the end of
October. To receive a complimentary copy of the Warty Warthog release
on CD -- or a handful to give to your friends or LUG -- register
online at:
Warty Warthog Features
* Simple and FAST Installation
Ubuntu comes on a single CD, with thousands of extra packages
available online. The install is optimised for speed and
simplicity. Ubuntu has excellent support for laptops (both x86 based
and Powerbook / iBook PPC based), and can also be setup in a
minimalist server configuration.
* GNOME 2.8
Ubuntu is the first distribution to ship Gnome 2.8, on the day of
its release - be the first on your street to try it!
* Firefox 0.9
We plan to include Firefox 1.0 for the gold release of Warty Warthog
in October.
* First class productivity software
Evolution 2.0 and OpenOffice.org 1.1.2
* XFree86 4.3 with improved hardware support
Our XFree86 packages have been updated to support plenty of new
hardware. We also have worked hard to detect as much hardware as
possible, simplifying the X install considerably. We plan to ship
X.org with our next release, due in April 2005.
If you have questions, feel free to ask on the IRC channel, the
ubuntu-user mailing list or to reply me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Benjamin Mako Hill and the Ubuntu Team
Benjamin Mako Hill
ubuntu-announce mailing list