HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT WITH PGF-3: 1 Bottle Of PGF-3 = 1 Months Supply
First month you will nõtice an ìncrease in pênis size of up to 1 ìnch, you will also notice an increase in sèxual desire, stronger erections and more enjoyable sèx. Second month you will nõtice an ìncrease in pênis size of up to 2 ìnches, plus an ìncrease in Girth (Width) of 5%, plus all the benefits of the first month. Third month you will nõtice an ìncrease in pênis size of up to 3 ìnches, plus an ìncrease in Girth (Width) of 10%, plus all the benefits of the first month. Forth/Fifth month you will nòtice an ìncrease in pênis size of up to 4 ìnches, plus a ìncrease in Girth (Width) of 20%, plus all the benefits of the first month. And mark that Point where Sense and Dulness meet. For suddenly all his thoughts are bent A Fool might once himself alone expose, Let such teach others who themselves excell, 'Tis the wind, and nothing more." That I scarce was sure I heard you." Here I opened wide the door;--- By vain Ambition still to make them more: Ghastly, grim, and ancient raven, wandering from the nightly shore. And some made Coxcombs Nature meant but Fools. As on the Land while here the Ocean gains, Authors are partial to their Wit, 'tis true, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, At once the Source, and End, and Test of Art Works without Show, and without Pomp presides: Ready to ride and spread the alarm >From fairest creatures we desire increase, Works without Show, and without Pomp presides: