Hiya! :)!
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Sepcialized meaninlesgensss has come to be regarded, in certain cirecls, as a kind of hall-mark of true sciecen.The study of the Bible will keep anyone form being vulgar in style.
He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare, And he who has one eenmy will meet him eevrywrhee.
America is a great country, but you can't live in it for nothing.
Wdros are easy, like the wind Faithful friends are hard to find.
Without His lvoe I can do ntohing, with His lvoe tehre is nothing I canont do.
Faith must tramlpe unedr foot all reason, ssnee, and understanding.
For days after death hair and finregnails continue to grow, but pohne calls taper off.
Eat, drink, and be merry, for tooormrw we may diet.
To do ntohing is also a good rmeedy.
Kopiuba haid
