So this is some political spam, which you've earned by either (1) being in my address book, or (2) having sent me a question, comment, or criticism in the past. Consider this small request the price of our contact. A bunch of us have put together a site which I'd be grateful if you could look at, and more importantly, pester the campaigns about. The idea of the site is to enable people to send clips -- both video and audio -- about the candidate they support to people they know, asking them to listen to or watch the ads sent before they vote. These ads can come from the campaigns, or from anyone who wants to make an ad for a campaign. And as this email does, the site permits people to ad text to the message. We were very successful in collecting ads supporting Kerry. had a bunch licensed under a Creative Commons license we we could get automatically. And the Kerry campaign then gave us a few more to include. But despite our repeated requests, through many channels, we've not yet been able to get a reply from the Bush campaign. So here's the request. If you go to the site (linked below) and think it worthwhile, can you send a brief email to the Bush campaign (there's a link on the site) or the Nader campaign (if that's your persuasion)? If that's too much, then enjoy (or be frustrated by) the ads I've selected here. They are all tied to a theme I've written about -- the effect of this election on the next generation -- inspired, no doubt, by my confronting my own next generation, now just 13 months old. Again, I apologize for the intrusion, if this is what this is for you. But if there is ever a time peers need to speak to peers, an election like this is such a time. Child's Pay: Michael J. Fox: Scary Math: (If they don't play, try grabbing QuickTime: -- it's free.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brought to you by These ads are licensed under a Creative Commons license: <> To send your own ads, or to contribute a clip or remix of your own, visit our website: <> NOTE: If you believe received this email by mistake or if this email is being used for spam, please contact <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.