Jag installerade om hela mitt debian systemet, MEN problemet kvarstod!!
Har varken fått någon respond på detta meddelandet, eller bugrapporten jag skickade (Min burk hänger sig ibland, när jag är inne i X och scrollar programmenyer. Detta gällde dock inte på stable-woody relisen). Är det bara jag som har detta problemet (annars hoppas jag det är fler som nu sitter och gör onödig omkonfigureringar)?

Min undersökning av problemet visar att paket "xspecs", "xprt", "x-window-system", "xvfb", "xrest".. mm med flera installalerades dagen innan. Och har samma samma changelog.Debian.gz fil (jag ska klippa in senaste logen av den i slutet av detta brev).

Där i denna/dessa filerna nämns updatering på "nv" (Geforce2 vidiokorts drivrutin), vilken jag har (bör vara fler än jag med detta videokort!).

En annan kanske kraftig förändring var en säkerhets update mot libXpm (googlade lite och såg att IDG gjort sig lustig på den säkerhets luckan)?

Jag har två frågor som jag söker svar på:
1. Var ska jag skicka bugrapporten, till vilket packet?

2. Hur kommer man förbi det eldsprutande mostret vid järnvägsstationen i spelet halflife?

Per Blomqvist wrote:
Per Blomqvist wrote:

Hej, jag är Debian-sarge användare.

Min burk, eller bara X har börjat hänga ibland, när jag scrollar vissa program, som xmms, aterm, bluefish och mozilla.

Någon annan med liknande problem?



Jag har haft ett program som heter "root-tail" öppet (som visar alla ändringar i logfilerna i skrivordsfönstrets backgundsbild), MEN vid tillfällen datorn (eller enbart X) hängt sig, har inget registrerats i någon logfil.

Vidare "ll -t /usr/share/doc| less" returnerar för den dagen att följande kataloger ändrats:

<snip> <snip>
har klipper jag in chlog filen:

xfree86 (4.3.0.dfsg.1-8) unstable; urgency=high

  Changes by Denis Barbier:

  * Update Danish debconf template translations (thanks, Claus Hindsgaul).
    (Closes: #270503)

* Grab /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/pc/us_intl from XFree86 CVS (2003-10-04). This
    makes us_intl multi-layout aware, and binds the right Meta key to
    Mode_Switch.  (Closes: #271326, #234085)

  * Revert upstream change to altwin behavior applied in 4.3.0.dfsg.1-1.
The Meta_* keysyms must be removed from the shift level of Alt keys when altwin:meta_win or altwin:left_meta_win are used; otherwise, XKB-unaware applications (like GNU Emacs) may believe that mod1 and mod4 are bound to
    Meta keys.

  * Fix inconsistencies in rules/xfree86* files:
+ rules/xfree86: List in $oldlayouts all layouts which are currently not multi-layout aware in the Debian xlibs package, including hu_US (thanks,
      Veres Lajos).  (Closes: #247463, #270810)
    + rules/xfree86: Support the lv3:ralt_switch option, which exists in
      xfree86.lst but was forgotten in this file.
+ rules/xfree86: Remove special case that causes PC keyboard models with the us_intl layout to load the us layout and add the us_intl layout to
      it.  (Closes: #234085)
    + rules/xfree86.{lst,xml}: Replace the options altwin:meta_super and
      altwin:meta_hyper with the correct names altwin:super_win and
      altwin:hyper_win.  (Closes: #271259)
    + rules/xfree86.{lst,xml}: Synchronize these files.

  Changes by Denis Barbier and Branden Robinson:

* Add FAQ entry: My keyboard configuration worked with XFree86 4.2; why is
    it messed up now?  (Closes: #259740)

  Changes by Branden Robinson:

  * In the Xsession script, attempt to create a file of non-zero length in
    /tmp; a full filesystem can cause mysterious X session failures.

  * Add FAQ entry: How does the keyboard work in the X Window System?

  * Update XTerm to patch #196 (2004-08-15) from Thomas Dickey's website.
    + Change clearing operations so foreground color attribute is not set.
Usually this is benign, but in some cases when the cursor color is not
      set explicitly, the cursor would show this color.  (Closes: #252873)
    + Modify initialization and cleanup of utmp data to also compare the
      ut_line member.  (Closes: #256468)

  * Update XTerm FAQ to revision 1.86 (2004-07-28) from Thomas Dickey's

  Changes by Fabio M. Di Nitto:

* Create debian/tmp/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc when NOT_BUILDING_XFREE86_X_SERVER
    is defined.  Fixes FTBFS on s390.

  * Security update (patch #087). Resolves the following issues:
    + CAN-2004-0687: stack overflows in libXpm
    + CAN-2004-0688: integer overflows in libXpm
    (Closes: #272493)

  * Update nv driver and some support code, and grab an XVideo bugfix from
    X.Org CVS as of 2004-09-15:
    + Update 000_post430.diff:
      - Drop nv_setup.c bits.
    + Update 000_stolen_from_HEAD.diff:
      - Include xf86xv.c Xv fix for little-endian machines.
    + Rename 000_stolen_from_HEAD_nv_driver.diff to
      000_stolen_from_xorg_nv_driver and update:
      - Full nv driver from X.org.
- Removed 2 references to XORG_VERSION_CURRENT since it is not defined. + Rename 000_stolen_from_freedesktop.org.diff to 000_stolen_from_xorg.diff
      and update:
      - Add xaa bits required to compile the new nv driver.
      - Add fbdevhw bits required to compile the new nv driver.
    + Update 030_Xserver_and_driver_region_primitive_fixups.diff:
      - REGION_EQUAL backport from X.org.
      - Fix call to REGION_EQUAL in Xv autopaint initialization error
        introduced in 4.3.0.dfsg.1-7.
    + Drop 098_nv_xvideo_fullscreen_fix.diff:
      - Now included upstream.
    + Rediff 911_debian_XF86Config_to_XF86Config-4.diff.
    + Update MANIFEST and xserver-xfree86.install files to reflect the new
      riva128.o submodule.
    (Closes: #269025, #268759, #271235, #270228, #271071, #270714)

  * Update Czech debconf template translations (thanks, Miroslav Kure).
    (Closes: #273516)

  Changes by ISHIKAWA Mutsumi:

  * Update Japanese debconf template translations (thanks, Kenshi Muto).

-- Fabio M. Di Nitto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tue, 28 Sep 2004 13:14:12 +0200


(Det var ett smärre konststycke att skriva ihop detta brevet, om inte annat.)
