måndagen den 4 augusti 2003 00.00 skrev Christoffer Sawicki: > On Sunday 03 August 2003 23:09, Adam Huuva wrote: > > Du måste installera *Suns* java2 1.4.2 beta. > > Eller Blackdown Java 1.4.1 som finns tillgänglig kompilerad med GCC 3.2. vart hittade du det
jag hittadade denna info (kanske den du menade) http://jrfonseca.dyndns.org/debian/ "Blackdown Java 1.4.1-01 for gcc-3.2 The Blackdown project supposedly should have release newer Debian packages by now. The existing ones don't work with the latest Mozilla packages (compiled with gcc-3.2). I got tired waiting and after installing java by hand once I decided it wasn't a experience to repeat, so I've made my own packages. These packages were based on the j2se1.4-i386- package sources (more specifically this file) which the lastest debian package released by the Blackdown project -, and uses the same binaries in j2sdk-1.4.1-01-linux-i586-gcc3.2.bin . The patch showing the (minimal) changes I've made is here. " Jag hittade en kille som gjort deb paket av 1.4.1 på deb http://jrfonseca.dyndns.org/debian ./ deb-src http://jrfonseca.dyndns.org/debian ./ Joakim Nordberg