On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 [15:35],
    Thomas Nyman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Hej
> ..men hur "specar" bu brevlådorna i muttrc - är det bara "set mailbox 
> ~/Mail" och spelar det någon roll var det står?

# set folder="~/Mail"
# Name: folder
# Type: path
# Default: "~/Mail"
# Specifies the default location of your mailboxes.  A `+' or `=' at the
# beginning of a pathname will be expanded to the value of this
# variable.  Note that if you change this variable from the default
# value you need to make sure that the assignment occurs before
# you use `+' or `=' for any other variables since expansion takes place
# during the `set' command.

# set spoolfile=""
# Name: spoolfile
# Type: path
# Default: ""
# If your spool mailbox is in a non-default place where Mutt cannot find
# it, you can specify its location with this variable.  Mutt will
# automatically set this variable to the value of the environment
# variable $MAIL if it is not set.

Sedan beror det även hur du satt mailboxes. 

Min är väldigt lång beroende hur man sätter upp det. Men tex:

mailboxes +2003/03/debian-user-swedish

Strukturen beror ju lite på hur man valt att sätta upp sina mail.


... david röhr              |      o_
.. unix systems consultant  | o/  /\   Solaris, AIX, HP-UX
. qbranch system management | /|_, \\   and GNU/Linux Certified.
        www.qbranch.se        /                    
