Alltid roligt att kommentera sig själv..

> Nån här på listan som vet hur bra detta rimmar med IMAP?
> Stöder det trädstrukturer, eller är det platt? säger:

> Subfolders of subfolders take this form:
>             -> ~/Maildir/
>    INBOX.fold1.two             -> ~/Maildir/.fold1.two
>    INBOX.fold1.three           -> ~/Maildir/.fold1.three
> And show up in IMAP clients as
>    INBOX/fold1/one
>    INBOX/fold1/two
>    INBOX/fold1/three
> Note that all folders, regardless of depth, exist *only*
> in ~/Maildir -- the IMAP server translates the "."
> separator into IMAP subfolders. If one were to put a
> subdirectory in a folder like so
>    ~/Maildir/.fold1/foo
> It would *not* show up as
>    INBOX/fold1/foo
> on the IMAP sever. 

