Michael Bramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Debconf allow multi language templates files. But very few packages
>with templates files use this feature. (only debconf, base-config and
>roxen support several languages (=>5) )
>I start to translate this week same templates and write bugreport. I
>set a web page to manage this translations.
>see: http://auric.debian.org/~grisu/debian_translation/

Speaking of which, I see roxen and roxen2 both use "se" for Swedish
translations in the above list, while the generally accepted Swedish
locale in most of the rest of Debian seems to be "sv". Since the roxen*
maintainer speaks Swedish and I'm only at beginner's level in it,
though, I'm a bit reluctant to file a bug report right away. Which is
correct, se or sv? Or will either do (seems unlikely)?

(Ursäkta till debian-user-swedish att jag talar engelska; det är nog
bättre än att jag utsätter er för min svenska!)

Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
