ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange took action on the message. The message details were: Sender = [EMAIL PROTECTED] Recipient(s) = [EMAIL PROTECTED];; Subject = Re: Manejo IPTABLES Scanning time = 07/27/2004 09:58:53 Engine/Pattern = 7.000-1004/1.945.00
Action taken on message: The attachment red-firewall.html matched file blocking settings. ScanMail took the action: Quarantined. The attachment was quarantined to e:\Program Files\Trend\Smex\Alert\red-firewall4106518de5.html_. El correo recibido contenía archivos que fueron bloqueados y eliminados por el tipo de extension. El emisor de dicho archivo/s fue notificado. 07/27/2004 09:58 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED]/Quarantined