Hola Lista.

Estoy leyendo la ayuda que brindan estos AP y me encuentro con el
siguiente cuadro.

*Access Point*

The default is *Access Point*. This mode allows your wireless-equipped
PCs to connect to a wired network.

*AP Client*

When set to *AP Client* mode, this device can connect to a wired
Ethernet network device to access another Wireless Access point.  Click
the Site Survey button to search for nearby Wireless Networks. To
connect, click on the radio button next to the wireless network.


When set to *Wireless Repeater *mode, the Wireless Repeater is able to
talk to one remote access point within its range and retransmit its
signal.  Make sure you enter the correct In the Remote Access Point¡¦s
LAN MAC address field, enter the LAN MAC address of the remote Access
Point.  Make sure that the SSID and Channel are the same on the Access

Note: Wireless Repeater will work with another Linksys WAP54G or Linksys
WRT54G only.

*Wireless Bridge*

Select *Wireless Bridge* to create a wireless connection between two or
more wired networks. This mode connects the physically separated, wired
networks using multiple access points. In the /Remote Wireless Bridge¡¦s
LAN MAC Addresses/ fields, enter the LAN MAC addresses of the remote
access points.

Note: Wireless Bridge mode will work with another Linksys WAP11 and

El tema es que salvo la metodología de AP (la primera), no logro determinar cual seria el caso de uso para los otros 3?, o mejor dicho, que diferencias tienen?

Alguien me puede dar una pista?

Desde ya muchas gracias a todos.

--- Dat1.net ---
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