Coordenadas temporales: Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 01:24:56AM +0200
Sujeto: Alberto Picon Couselo
Comunicaba sobre: Debian y UPS

> ¿Alguien sabe de algún otro monitor para UPS con líneas de control
> configurables (como powstatd) en debian con cliente para Windows?.

Pues powstatd está en Debian, no se si será el mismo:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] show powstatd
Package: powstatd
Provides: ups-monitor
Conflicts: powstatd-crypt, ups-monitor
Description: Configurable UPS monitoring daemon
 Assuming you have a relay-based "dumb" UPS that corresponds with your
 machine via a serial connection, you should be able to configure powstatd
 in just a few minutes. It is easily configured, and can be expected to
 support most "dumb" UPS supplies.
 UPS models known to work:
  CyberPower PowerSL series
  CyberPower Power2000 1500VA
  CyberPower Power99 325VA, 400VA, 500VA and 720VA
  Some older CyberPower 385VA and 450VA models
  TrippLite Internet Office 500 UPS
  Various older APC units.
 Powstatd can also be configured to allow a master machine to control
 (Via a network connection) up to 2 (by default) additional slave
 machines connected to the same UPS. This allows you to run several
 machines off the same UPS, with only one of the machines actually
 reading the UPS status over the serial line.
 See also powstatd-crypt in the non-us section.

/=*=\ ¡Cuidado! Si  usted tuviese una TK-85 eso sería  una nave enemiga.

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