Augusto José Gutiérrez EnEspanol - EmPortugues May 12, 2003: Editorial, Center of Media Studies (Centro de Estudios sobre la Información), Buenos Aires-Santiago de Chile (translated from original in Spanish) Leftist bias in the media: serious worldwide problem The persistent influence of leftist and liberal editors, journalists and reporters of most important media centers in the West, which translates into a bias that misinforms, constitutes a serious problem inherited by the XXI Century, and creates an obstacle to international understanding and coexisting. Through sophisticated writing techniques, with the help of social psychology and propaganda, relevant issues are distorted or silenced, myths are created and almost instantly the public opinion is emotionally stirred, which in most respects is more dangerous than even chemical or biological weapons because intelligence, will and the sensitivity of the people are being manipulated. In the United States, the liberals in the media act as a true "Trojan horse". In 1985 Los Angeles Times conducted an opinion survey which included 2,700 journalists from 621 newspapers. Those which responded with liberal ideas surpassed conservatives by more than 3 to 1 (55% versus 17%). Surveys done by the American Association of Newspaper Editors (ASNE) in 1988 and 1997 confirmed in general terms those results. Several recent books have revealed the phenomenon of liberal bias used to misinform. For example, "Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News", by Bernard Goldberg; and "Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right , by Ann Coulter. Few people are aware that the communist dictator in Cuba, Fidel Castro, came to power and remains in power for more than 40 years with the decisive support, direct or indirect, of major North American mass media agencies, as evidenced in the studies "The New York Times and Cuban Revolution", by William E. Ratliff and "Castro and the United States Press", written by John P. Wallach. In Latin America, especially in Brazil, the leftist influence in the media is one of the factors behind the recent waive of anti-North Americanism, which has among its objectives to impede the establishment of a natural alliance among the healthier sectors of North and South America. Regrettably, there does not appear to be a proportionate interest and determination from the conservative North American journalists to exhibit their points of view in the Latin American press, through articles, conferences and participation in debates. This constitutes a problem which should be addressed being that History demonstrates that battles of ideas are much more decisive than military battles. In Europe, liberalism in the media is also intensely manifested, with different characteristics of each country, but with the same objective of opening gaps between the more healthier sectors of public opinion in the Old and New continent, which have a common longing for the defense of the principals of Christian civilization. Leftist editors and journalists insist, in the same manner, to consigning the crimes of communism in Russia and Eastern Europe to oblivion. For example, the reception of the second volume of "The Black Book of Communism", written by a knowledgeable team of French historians and recently released by the Editorial Robert Laffont, has been of almost complete silence by the European press, according to one of its authors, Stéphane Courtois, Director of surveys for the CNRS of France. This is not a new phenomenon. Pope Pío XI referred to a "true conspiracy of silence" regarding the crimes of communism in large part due to the press worldwide, together with a "truly diabolical propaganda" in favor of ideas and lifestyles of anti-Christians. Information bias is always reprehensible and it has not only been used by liberals and leftists. However, it is they that have mostly taken advantage of it. To protect oneself against the phenomenon of disinformation and chaotic news, the most affective antidote is the exercise of sound reflection based on logic, common sense, objectivity and the moral convictions which have as their foundation the Commandments of the Law of God. The Center of Media Studies (Centro de Estudios sobre la Información) has as its fundamental objective to contribute to the development of a critical spirit in the Americas as it relates to information bias in the media. 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