Igual que los míos! Sin embargo no son ni una 3ra parte de los paquetes que había antes, y el task sel no está actualizado. En concreto, me interesaría saber que fue de los task-x-window-system-core y task-x-window-system
"Fco. Aguilar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> con fecha 01/08/2001 19:16:59 Destinatarios: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org CC: (cci: JUAN VICENTE/BANELCO/AR) Asunto: Re: Paquetes task-* En Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 09:39:01AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: > Alguien sabe que paso en unstable con los paquetes task-*? > Anoche hice un apt-get update y ni rastros. artifex:/home/paco# apt-cache search task- task-kde-games - KDE Games and Toys harden-tools - Tools to enhance or analyze the security. harden-servers - Avoid servers that are known to be insecure. task-samba - Samba SMB server harden-environment - Hardend system environment. task-c-dev - Development in C task-python - Python script development environment task-kde - The K Desktop Environment task-kde-devel - The K Desktop Environment development files task-tex - TeX/LaTeX environment task-python-bundle - Full distribution of Python task-tcltk - Running Tcl/Tk applications harden-clients - Avoid servers that are known to be insecure. task-spanish - Spanish environment task-devel-common - Development in various languages -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null