Hola, voy a actualizar el portátil a testing y tengo el ximian gnome 1.4 instalado en la Potato. ¿Qué paquetes de ximian he de poner en "hold" antes de actualizar para que me continúe funcionando correctamente? Gracias.
Saludos, ================================================================================ JUAN CARLOS AMENGUAL But I don't see UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I and I don't feel, DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA but tightly hold up silently my hands CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI before my fading eyes CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN. and in my eyes your smile. Phone: +34 964 728361 The very last thing before I go ... Fax: +34 964 728435 Robert Smith (The Cure) e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - "The same deep water as you", Disintegration, 1989, Fiction Rec. - ================================================================================