En 01/08/24 16:53, Marcelo Giordano escribió:

He estado intenso ultimamente, quiero dejar mi debian al pelo y disfruto de la lista y sus conocimientos.

Ahora el tema es que me salen algunos mensajes en el inicio y quiero ver el log pero no lo encuentro.

Lo Busqué en el archivo boot.log (me sale vacio) y con el programita ksystemlog, pero no encuentro nada.

Me pueden orientar

cat /var/log/README
You are looking for the traditional text log files in /var/log, and they are

Here's an explanation on what's going on:

You are running a systemd-based OS where traditional syslog has been replaced with the Journal. The journal stores the same (and more) information as classic
syslog. To make use of the journal and access the collected log data simply
invoke "journalctl", which will output the logs in the identical text-based
format the syslog files in /var/log used to be. For further details, please
refer to journalctl(1).

Alternatively, consider installing one of the traditional syslog
implementations available for your distribution, which will generate the
classic log files for you. Syslog implementations such as syslog-ng or rsyslog
may be installed side-by-side with the journal and will continue to function
the way they always did.

Thank you!

Further reading:

Soluciones en computo, venta de hardware, consumibles y cursos de gnu/Linux
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