El Tue, 09 Aug 2011 19:20:45 -0400
linux <liuberperez....@infomed.sld.cu> escribió:
> Saludos lista estaba descargando con wget y todo hiba ok, he
> descargado bastantes archivos, pero tube que detener el wget y cuando
> lo pongo a descargar de nuevo me bajja lo mismo que ya tenia bajado,
> alguie sabe que parametro tengo que ponerle para que el wget me
> revise lo que ya el descargo hasta donde lo descargo y comience a
> partir de ahi, y no que me vuelva a bajar en el mismo lugar que ya
> esta descargado los archivos los mismos archivos?
> saludos
> LIuber
> --
> Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico
> que ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del
> Sistema Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el
> compromiso de usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las
> regulaciones establecidas
> Infomed: http://www.sld.cu/

De la información del manual(man wget):

           Continue getting a partially-downloaded file.  This is
       useful when you want to finish up a download started by a
       previous instance of Wget, or by another program.  For instance:

                   wget -c ftp://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/ls-lR.Z

           If there is a file named ls-lR.Z in the current directory,
           Wget will assume that it is the first portion of the remote
           file, and will ask the server to continue the retrieval from
           an offset equal to the length of the local file.

           Note that you don't need to specify this option if you just
           want the current invocation of Wget to retry downloading a
           file should the connection be lost midway through.  This is
           the default behavior.  -c only affects resumption of
           downloads started prior to this invocation of Wget, and
           whose local files are still sitting around.

           Without -c, the previous example would just download the
           remote file to ls-lR.Z.1, leaving the truncated ls-lR.Z file

           Beginning with Wget 1.7, if you use -c on a non-empty file,
           and it turns out that the server does not support continued
           downloading, Wget will refuse to start the download from
           scratch, which would effectively ruin existing contents.  If
           you really want the download to start from scratch, remove
           the file.

           Also beginning with Wget 1.7, if you use -c on a file which
           is of equal size as the one on the server, Wget will refuse
           to download the file and print an explanatory message.  The
           same happens when the file is smaller on the server than
           locally (presumably because it was changed on the server
           since your last download attempt)---because "continuing" is
           not meaningful, no download occurs.

           On the other side of the coin, while using -c, any file
           that's bigger on the server than locally will be considered
           an incomplete download and only "(length(remote) -
           length(local))" bytes will be downloaded and tacked onto the
           end of the local file.  This behavior can be desirable in
           certain cases---for instance, you can use wget -c to
           download just the new portion that's been appended to a data
           collection or log file.

           However, if the file is bigger on the server because it's
           been changed, as opposed to just appended to, you'll end up
           with a garbled file.  Wget has no way of verifying that the
           local file is really a valid prefix of the remote file.  You
           need to be especially careful of this when using -c in
           conjunction with -r, since every file will be considered as
           an "incomplete download" candidate.

           Another instance where you'll get a garbled file if you try
           to use -c is if you have a lame HTTP proxy that inserts a
           "transfer interrupted" string into the local file.  In the
           future a "rollback" option may be added to deal with this

           Note that -c only works with FTP servers and with HTTP
           servers that support the "Range" header.

 .''`.  Tony Palma.
: :' :  PGP/GPG Key ID: 258FFB1A  
`. `'   identi.ca: xbytemx
  `-    Debian GNU/Linux

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