
Tengo el siguiente problema con el mail.

Uso smail. Cuando un mail viene de mi propia maquina el mensaje es
despachado (o al menos smail trata de hacerlo) inmediatamente; pero
cuando proviene de afuera, se sienta en la cola hasta el proximo

Necesito que los mensajes sean despachados inmediatamente.

He leido el man de smail pero no encuentro nada. Ya use la opcion
-delivery_grades, pero nada, sigo igual.

Abajo mando mi /etc/smail/config por si alguien encuentra algo raro.

Gracias de antemmano por la ayuda.

Felipe Sanchez







# Debian Config Version 2.1
#               ----------Begin-----------
# You really should know what you do here!
#WARNING:  You will have to add a correct local definition for
#        smtp_remote_allow if you have many local networks, or unset it
#        if you wish to disable this feature (default).
#WARNING:  The current implementation of this feature blocks
#        relay from incoming SMTP to *any* outgoing transport.  This
#        means that even UUCP gateways require explicit permission if
#        this feature is enabled.  
# it's no longer off by default, so all hosts can relay mails over this host.
# as internet get more and more on the dark side .... 
# only mails from the localnet are relayed

#       This flag tells smail to verify the hostnames given in
#       HELO or EHLO SMTP commands.
# it's off by default
# example to switch it on:

# more  helo/ehlo verify switches, see manpages for details

#       A colon-separated list of host IP patterns that are
#       allowed to deliver mail even though they have broken
#       DNS or give incorrect or invalid HELO or EHLO SMTP
#       greetings.
# it's off by default, which mean smtp_hello_broken_allow=*
# example to switch it on:

# Vixie / MAPS RBL (http://maps.vix.com/rbl)
# switch to turn on the Mail Abuse Protection System (MAPS)
# it's off by default
# example to switch it on:
#vixie_rbl_force_allow="[your local ip#]"

# Do not do dns lookups for MAIL FROM: address
# This is debian-Smail only feature... it WILL BE DELETED in the future
# It's only use is for local systems with no working dns System
# It's off by default
# example to switch it on:

received_field="Received: ${if def:sender_host\
         {from $sender_host${if def:sender_host_addr\
         { (really [$sender_host_addr])}} }\
          else {${if def:sender_host_addr\
          {from [$sender_host_addr] }}}}\
         by $visible_name\n\t\
         ${if def:sender_program\
          {via $sender_program }}\
         ${if def:sender_proto\
          {with $sender_proto}\
          else {from stdin}}\
         ${if def:ident_sender\
          { (ident $ident_sender using $ident_method)}}\n\t\
         id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Debian Smail$version)\n\t\
         ${if def:input_addr\
          {for ${top:input_addr}}\
          else {for <unknown>}}\
         ; $spool_date "

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