Saludos a todos: Quisiera me ayudaran a configurar mysar. Resulta que nunca he trabajado con el. Cuando trato de configurarlo me dice esto: Reading config.ini file...Failed! You need to create the file "/usr/local/mysar/etc/config.ini", making sure it is readable by the web server process, with the following contents: dbUser = mysar dbPass = mysar dbHost = localhost dbName = mysar Click here [] to try again.
Gracias por su ayuda ******************************************** Manuel Salgado T. Administrador de Red Empresa de Sistemas Automatizados (ALIMATIC-GRANMA) [] Jabber: [] website: [] phone: 44-1295 44-1253 Servicio de correo electronico de la UEB Informatica y Automatizacion Granma