¿Alguien sabe lo que le pasa al buscador de paquetes de Debian? Me devuelve el siguiente mensaje:
Searching has been re-implemented using swish++ in place of htdig. The htdig database was accidentally deleted prematurely so the old searching is broken. Everything should work again after the next mirror update (within a day). ¿Que ocurre? Bye. ____ ____ ______ /\ _`\ /\ _`\ /\__ _\ José Illescas \ \ \/\_\ \ \ \L\ \ \/_/\ \/ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ \ \/_/_ \ \ , / \ \ \ ICQ# 12553232 AIM Screen: yoburtu \ \ \L\ \__\ \ \\ \ __ \_\ \__ __ El Webteam de http://www.jccm.es \ \____/\_\\ \_\ \_\/\_\/\_____\/\_\ E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] \/___/\/_/ \/_/\/ /\/_/\/_____/\/_/ Junta de Castilla-La Mancha.