Adrián Chapela escribió:
Lo puse:
PassivePorts PassivePort 4500-5000
Y tambien supongo que no la documentacion ahi sigue bien gracias (:
PassivePorts 4500 5000
Y sale el mismo mensaje anterior.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lista Debian" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: Error en Proftpd
Adrián Chapela escribió:
Non funciona nada de nada. Sigue igual, no lo entiendo.
Supongo que modificaste el valor de PassivePorts, como lo puciste?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lista de correo debian-es" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: Error en Proftpd
"PassivePorts: min port must be allowable port number"
En la configuración del proftpd.conf tengo:
PassivePorts PassivePort 20
Prueba un puerto por encima del 1024, los que estan por debajo de
este, se consideran privilegiados, para servicios especiales.
De hecho, la directiva PassivePorts espera un rango de puertos.
Revisa /usr/share/doc/proftpd-doc/Configuration.html (tenindo el paquete
proftpd-doc instalado).
He aqui un copy-paste de la parte relevante:
PassivePorts restricts the range of ports from which the server will
select when sent the PASV command from a client. The server will
randomly choose a number from within the specified range until an open
port is found. Should no open ports be found within the given range, the
server will default to a normal kernel-assigned port, and a message
The port range selected must be in the non-privileged range (eg. greater
than or equal to 1024); it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that the chosen range
be large enough to handle many simultaneous passive connections (for
example, 49152-65534, the IANA-registered ephemeral port range).