
Atualizei o firestarter e não está funcionando mais. Erro abaixo:

# firestarter

(firestarter:22730): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:
Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified
are supported and host-based authentication failed. NETFILTER detected

Obs: durante a atualização apareceram os seguintes erros:

Aborting firestarter upgrade.
dpkg: erro processando /var/cache/apt/archives/firestarter_1.0.0-2_i386.deb
(--unpack): subprocesso pre-installation script retornou código de saída de
error 1 Flushing all current rules and user defined chains:
Clearing all current rules and user defined chains:
Zeroing all current rules:
Applying Firestarter configuration: iptables v1.2.11: host/network `' not found
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.2.11: host/network `' not found

Alguma luz?

Savio Martins Ramos -  Arquiteto
Rio de Janeiro  ICQ 174972645
Pirataria não! Seja livre: Linux

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