Eu uso debian stable, com qvwm, gostaria de saber qual programa
utilizo para acessar o messenger?
apt-cache search msn
amsn - An MSN messenger written in tcl
ayttm - Universal Instant Messaging Client
bitlbee - An IRC to other chat networks gateway
centericq - A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client
centericq-common - A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client
(data files)
centericq-fribidi - A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client
centericq-utf8 - A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client
gaim - multi-protocol instant messaging client
gnome-jabber - Instant Messenger using Jabber
gotmail - Utility to download email from a Hotmail or MSN account
hotway - POP3 to Hotmail (HTTPmail) gateway
jabber - Daemon for the Open Source Instant Messenger
jabber-dev - Daemon for the Open Source Instant Messenger
jabber-msn - Provides the MSN transport for the Jabber IM server
kmerlin - Instant messaging (IM) client for the MSN messenger network
kopete - Instant messenger program
reaim - Enable AIM and MSN file transfer on Linux iptables based NAT
Eu, pessoalmente, prefiro o GAIM.
Rafael Boyarski Pitrovski
Técnico em Informática
Associação Evangélica de Ensino
"Eduquem as crianças e não será necessário castigar os homens." (Pitágoras)