Eu tenho instalado a algum tempo e ate agora nao me apresentou problemas...
Mas da uma olhada no FAQ do OPENVPN.. "*remember that UDP is
I'm using TLS mode with no --remote option on the server. When I
start the server then the client it works ok. I can restart the
client with no problem, but if I restart the server and the client
is connected I get the following problem: "TLS Error: Unknown data
channel key ID or IP address received from 111.222.333.444:10203".
In this case I need to restart the client again to make it work. Do
you know what the problem is?
This problem occurs because when you restart the server, there is
nothing to trigger a new TLS key exchange. The server can't trigger it
because it doesn't have a *--remote* option giving it the address of its
peer, so it wants to sit and wait for a client to connect. The client
doesn't trigger it because it doesn't know the server was restarted
(remember that UDP is connectionless).
There are several ways to fix this problem, listed in the order of
* Add a *--remote* option to the server which points to the client,
making the connection peer-to-peer rather than client/server. When
one peer restarts, it will force a new key exchange with the other
* Use the *--ping* and *--ping-restart* options to force a key
negotiation any time that packets are not getting through the
tunnel. Restarts always trigger a new key exchange.
* Use static keys which allow OpenVPN to run in an essentially
stateless manner.
* Use TCP rather than UDP as your tunnel transport (available
currently in the 1.5.x and higher with the *--proto* option). TCP
is a connection-oriented protocol, and as such, either side of the
connection knows immediately when the other side has disconnected.
Olá pessoal,
Instalei o openvpn no debian tem mais ou menos 3 meses e até agora não
consegui resolver um problema.
Quando não tem dados trafegando a vpn fica fincionando normamalmente,
porém quando começa trafegar dados (qualquer tipo, http, ssh, dns...)
a vpn simplesmente cai.
A principio achei que fosse problema no modem adsl da matriz, pois
estava fazendo NAT (direcionando a porta 5000 para o ip do servidor)
ai então mudei, deixei o modem (alcatel) em pptp e agora o ip válido
200....... esta chegando diretamente na placa de rede do linux (ppp0),
porém o problema continua. Alguém tem alguma sugestão?
Obs: nessa vpn esta a matriz e mais seis filiais e todas acontecem o
mesmo problema.
Segue abaixo a saida do log na hora em que a vpn (de uma filial) caiu.
Dec 1 11:53:20 liguecom last message repeated 3 times
Dec 1 11:53:20 liguecom openvpn[114]: TLS Error: Unknown data channel
key ID or IP address received from 4 (see FAQ for
more info on this error)
Dec 1 11:53:35 liguecom last message repeated 3 times
Dec 1 13:05:20 liguecom openvpn[20684]: TLS: soft reset sec=-982
bytes=13636/0 pkts=102/0
Dec 1 11:53:49 liguecom openvpn[20684]: VERIFY OK: depth=1,
Dec 1 11:53:49 liguecom openvpn[20684]: VERIFY OK: depth=0,
Dec 1 11:53:50 liguecom openvpn[20684]: Data Channel Decrypt: Cipher
'BF-CBC' initialized with 128 bit key
Dec 1 11:53:50 liguecom openvpn[20684]: Data Channel Decrypt: Using
160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
Dec 1 11:53:50 liguecom openvpn[20684]: Data Channel Encrypt: Cipher
'BF-CBC' initialized with 128 bit key
Dec 1 11:53:50 liguecom openvpn[20684]: Data Channel Encrypt: Using
160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
Dec 1 11:53:50 liguecom openvpn[20684]: Control Channel: TLSv1,
cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA, 1024 bit RSA
Dec 1 11:53:50 liguecom openvpn[114]: TLS Error: Unknown data channel
key ID or IP address received from 4 (see FAQ for
more info on this error)
Alguém pode me dar alguma luz???
Dilceu Luiz Pazinatto
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