Instalei no Kurumin 3.21 o kernel (acho que é isso) e o k3b 
funcionou numa boa.

Em Sex 24 Set 2004 15:45, Still escreveu:
> Douglas;
> * Musashi corta a msg que Danilo Augusto enviou para Still:
> > Olá gente.
> > Tenho um sarge com o kernel 2.4.7 e kernel,quando entro com o
> > kernel 2.4.7 o k3b reconhece minha gravadora como writer device,mas no
> > kernel ele reconhece a gravadora como reader device,alguém sabe
> > como posso resolver isso?
>  Só mudando o kernel ou esperando o desenvolvimento do cdrecord:
> Cdrecord-Clone 2.01a38 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2004 Jörg
> Schilling
> NOTE: this version of cdrecord is an inofficial (modified) release of
> cdrecord
>       and thus may have bugs that are not present in the original
> version.
>       Please send bug reports and support requests to
>       The original author should not be bothered with problems of this
> version.
> cdrecord: Warning: Running on Linux-2.6.8
> cdrecord: There are unsettled issues with Linux-2.5 and newer.
> cdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or
> Solaris.
> cdrecord: Warning: Linux-2.6.8 introduced incompatible interface
> changes.
> cdrecord: Warning: SCSI transport does no longer work for suid root
> programs.
> cdrecord: Warning: if cdrecord fails, try to run it from a root account.
>       O engraçado é que com o 2.6.7 funciona. :)
> []'s,
> Still
> --
> Nelson Luiz Campos                  .''`.     | I hear; I forget.
> Engenheiro Eletricista             : :'  :    | I see; I remember.
> Linux User #89621 UIN 11464303     `. `'`     | I do; I understand.
> gnupgID: 55577339                    `-       | Chinese Proverb


  Heitor Mauricio - Linux User: 339055 - Debian/Kurumin/CL10 
  ICQ: 165808143  ---  GPG: 8E4807CE  ---  Key Fingerprint: 
  F97B A2D6 7AB8 A084 F607  DAFB 1895 B754 8E48 07CE

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