Não sei qual Debian vc está usando, mas na SID tem o FireBird Classic Server e o FireBird SuperServer para instalar via apt (eu tenho o SuperServer rodando num servidor hà 8 meses sem manutenção):
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache search firebird firebird-c32-server - FireBird Classic w/ 32bit I/O - RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird-c64-server - FireBird Classic w/ 64bit I/O - RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird-dev - Development files for FireBird - RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird-examples - Examples for FireBird - RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird-s32-server - FireBird Super w/ 32bit I/O - RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird-s64-server - FireBird Super w/ 64bit I/O - RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird-server-common - Common server files of FireBird-RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird-utils - Utilities for FireBird - RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird2-classic-server - Firebird Classic Server - a RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird2-dev - Development files for Firebird - a RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird2-examples - Examples for Firebird - a RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird2-server-common - Common files for Firebird - a RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird2-super-server - Firebird Super Server - a RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird2-utils-classic - Utilities for Firebird - a RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code firebird2-utils-super - Utilities for Firebird - a RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code ibwebadmin - Web-based administration for the Firebird and Interbase database Em Qui, 2004-09-09 às 17:25, Aloisio Bilck escreveu: > Boa Tarde amigos ... > eu tenho q instalar no Debian o Firebird. > por acaso no site do debian nao achei ele p/ abaixar, mas achei no > http://aleron.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/firebird/FirebirdSS- > entao abaixei.... > ta decompatei > - tar xvfz nomedopacote > - entro no diretorio criado ... mas quando executo ./install.sl ele da erro! > Press Enter to start installation or ^C to abort > Extracting install data > +------------------- ERROR -----------------------+ > | Your system miss editor 'ex'. | > | Please install it before running setup program. | > +-------------------------------------------------+ > Install aborted: The command ./scripts/preinstall.sh > failed with error code 127 > > > agora q poderia ser? > valeu >