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They he fled away into the east, even yet shuddering with the horror of
his recent escape from death and filled with disgust at the knowledge that
there were people who held human life so lightly that they were willing to
destroy it to further their own selfish ends
And the Demon wants such people as these to possess his electrical devices,
which are as powerful to accomplish evil when in wrong hands as they are
good! thought the boy, resentfullyThis would be a fine world if Electric
Tubes and Records of Events and Traveling Machines could be acquired by
selfish and unprincipled persons! So unnerved was Rob by his recent
experiences that he determined to make no more stops
discontinue Orange stad, and then mail stop 1.200 B, followed by A rub
However, he alighted at nightfall in the country, and slept upon the sweet
hay in a farmer's barnBut, early the next morning, before any one else was
astir, he resumed his journey, and at precisely ten o'clock of this day,
which was Saturday, he completed his flying trip around the world by
alighting unobserved upon the well-trimmed lawn of his own home
19Rob Makes a Resolution When Rob opened the front door he came face to
face with Nell, who gave an exclamation of joy and threw herself into his