On Mon, 15 Dec 2003 13:45:18 -0200
Marcio de Araujo Benedito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> COlegas;
> Alguns sites nao sao exibidos corretamente pelo mozilla. Melhor dizendo,
> os sites sao abertos, mas o TEXTO nao e exibido. Alguem sabe porque?
> O konqueror abre numa boa....
> []'s
> -- 
ae china,
confira se voce tem o pacote mozilla-xft instalado.

This is the first stand alone release of Xft, a library that connects X
applications with the FreeType font rasterization library. Xft uses
fontconfig to locate fonts so it has no configuration files.

Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz

Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz

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