Olá, Estou tentando instalar o vmware4 e apareceu a seguinte mensagem:
Your kernel was built with "gcc" version "2.95.4", while you are trying to use "/usr/bin/gcc" version "3.3.1". This configuration is not supported and VMware Workstation cannot work in such configuration. Please either recompile your kernel with "/usr/bin/gcc" version "3.3.1", or restart /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl with CC environment variable pointing to the "gcc" version "2.95.4". Porém, olhem a gcc que tenho instalada. +++-================-================-========================================= ii gcc 3.3-1 The GNU C compiler. Alguma luz? Grato, Sávio. testing 2.4.18bf24 gnome2.2